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Official Candidates Announced For Italys Circumscriptions

Comune Di Andria

European Elections 2024: Candidate Lists Released

Official Candidates Announced for Italy's Circumscriptions

Leaders to Run with Unicam Exception for Salvini, Conte, and Meloni

With the May 1st deadline passed, all political parties and factions have officially submitted their electoral lists for the upcoming European elections. The candidates have been divided into five circumscriptions based on the geographical regions of Italy: Northwest, Northeast, Central, Southern, and Islands. The elections will take place from June 6th to 9th, 2024.

Some of the notable candidates include party leaders Giorgia Meloni (Fratelli d'Italia), Elly Schlein (Partito Democratico), Antonio Tajani (Forza Italia), and Matteo Salvini (Lega). Of the 720 seats in the European Parliament, 76 will be occupied by Italian MEPs.

Giorgia Meloni has confirmed her candidacy as the top candidate for Fratelli d'Italia in all of Italy. Vittorio Sgarbi will be on the list for Southern Italy. The Partito Democratico's Elly Schlein will head the Center and Islands circumscription.

There are some exceptions to the leaders running with unicum, which is the practice of only running in one circumscription. Giuseppe Conte (Movimento 5 Stelle), Matteo Salvini (Lega), and Nicola Zingaretti (Partito Democratico) will run in multiple circumscriptions.

Il Sole 24 Ore
