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Anne Hathaway Breaks Silence On Her Controversial 2013 Oscar Dress

Anne Hathaway Breaks Silence on Her Controversial 2013 Oscar Dress

After Years of Speculation, Actress Finally Addresses the "Dress Drama"

"My Husband Said Your Nipples Look Pointy," Reveals Hathaway

In a bombshell statement released after the 2023 Oscars ceremony, Anne Hathaway has finally shed light on the infamous "dress drama" surrounding her 2013 Oscar gown. The actress, who has faced years of criticism and ridicule for the pale pink Prada creation, has revealed the unexpected reason behind her sartorial choice.

"It came to my attention late that the dress I wore to the Oscars in 2013 had become a source of controversy," Hathaway wrote in the statement. "I take full responsibility for the choice but want to share the reasoning behind it."

According to Hathaway, the dress was actually a last-minute replacement after she discovered that another outfit she had planned to wear had been leaked to the press. "I was horrified," she said. "I had no idea that dress would become such a source of ridicule."

Hathaway also revealed the devastating impact the dress had on her personally. "I was shocked, slapped, and embarrassed," she said. "My husband even made a cruel comment about my nipples looking pointy." The experience, she said, left her feeling "vulnerable" and "humiliated."

The actress's apology has been met with mixed reactions. Some have expressed sympathy for Hathaway, while others have criticized her for taking so long to address the issue. Regardless, Hathaway's statement has reignited the conversation surrounding the body-shaming and sexism that often plagues female celebrities in the entertainment industry.
